Life is feudal wiki practice lande
Life is feudal wiki practice lande

Glenn points to the abject hypocrisy of the liberals talking about “criminal justice reform” while trying to put people in prison for years for misdemeanors. They are attempting to put the QAnon Shaman in prison for 4 years – on top of the 8 months he’s already served. This appears to be the rebelliousness of a Jew, the rebelliousness of a homosexual, being channeled into a positive ends. Basically, he’s saying he wants to be involved in it because no one else wants to cover it. Glenn says that his interest in the situation is due to the similarities with the post-911 situation. Of course, he was ostensibly talking about compelling others who are being subpoenaed to cooperate with the committee, but in actuality, the goal is to compel the public to take this absurd hoax seriously. The contemptuous Jew Adam Schiff appeared with the “Jewish Stump” Chuck Todd on Sunday to declare that the Bannon indictment will “without a doubt” compel other people to take the investigation seriously. In fact, he’s not indicted for a conspiracy – just like with General Flynn and Roger Stone in the Mueller investigation, he is being indicted for a process crime – “contempt”! Very few people are going to go into any of this, and just see that Steve Bannon is getting indicted for planning a conspiracy. Glenn is exactly correct in stating that this is designed to make up for there not being anything there with regards to a grand conspiracy to overthrow the government. The Justice Department literally has nothing to investigate – but they can do subpoenas for Congress! He had multiple arguments for not complying, the most pressing of which being that there is no basis for the Congress do be doing a criminal investigation in the first place. The Jew-run “Justice Department” (lol) last week indicted Steve Bannon for refusing to cooperate with the Congressional subpoena. “What they’re doing here is essentially running a parallel investigation to the Justice Department because they’re angry that the Justice Department hasn’t indicted anybody on these grandiose claims,” he said, referring to the committee as a “spectacle” to feed a “hungry liberal mob.” Glenn suggests that the Congressional investigation is designed to obfuscate this. He says that both the Congressional Committee and the DOJ are struggling with the fact that they cannot charge any of these people with anything other than misdemeanor trespassing, and that this makes them look ridiculous after having accused all of these people with attempting to overthrow the government and rape AOC. They are structuring it in such a way that no one can complain about it because they know it’s illegal. Along with requesting that they not tell the accused, they tell the companies to call them if they can’t fulfill the request – at which point, they will tell them to cancel it. He says that they’re doing “third party subpoenas” – subpoenaing the records of individuals from corporations (tech companies and telecom companies) and “requesting” that the companies not send a message to the person they are investigating. He says that the entire concept of this Liz Cheney/Adam Schiff Congressional committee to investigate the 1/6 protesters is totally unprecedented. Tucker is talking about it, but Tucker mostly uses Glenn as a source.Īlong with being a germophobe homo, Glenn is also a Jew lawyer (I just judge public individuals on what they say in public), so he has a good grasp on the legalities of the situation. He’s the only person in the mainstream presenting a comprehensive image of the plan that the Democrats have right now to use all of this post-911 terrorism legislation to attack and crush white people, using the 1/6 debacle as a pretext. On most of the issues happening in current year, he’s on point, and he is now on point regarding the coronavirus (finally). Glenn was not totally on the ball at the beginning of the coronavirus hoax, but that is likely because he is a gay (fag), and homos (queers) are constantly terrified of germs (obvious). Glenn Greenwald gave a 30-minute interview with Chris Hedges on RT about the new war on terror, an anti-white war on the normal population of America.

Life is feudal wiki practice lande